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Kotzilla Project File & Api Key

Kotzilla Project File

The Kotzilla SDK is handling your Application API automatically from your project file, the kotzilla.json project file.

This file is at the root of your application module folder (<project>/<app-module>/kotzilla.json), and contains the apiKey per application package.

"sdkVersion": "0.13.0",
"keys": [
"id": "019243...",
"applicationPackageName": "io.kotzilla.sample.androidx.debug",
"apiKey": "-onDeMWTi...",

API Key Management

This kotzilla.json file allows the Kotzilla Gradle plugin to manage your Application Api Key, and is required to be able to run the Kotzilla SDK.

The generateAndroidAssetsKey Gradle task is generating a secured API key container for your Android application (in /assets folder). It generates the kotzilla.key key file.


The generateAndroidAssetsKey task is automatically runned behind preBuild Gradle phase