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SDK setup for KMP apps

This guide will help you register your KMP app on the Kotzilla Platform and set up the Kotzilla SDK. Follow these steps to get started!

Step 1 - Register your application on Kotzilla

Follow Step 1 from the Android app setup guide to register your app on the Kotzilla Platform.

Step 2 - Set up the Kotzilla SDK

Refer to Step 2 in the Android app setup guide to download the configuration file and update your Gradle files with the Kotzilla SDK dependency.

Step 3 - Start the Kotzilla SDK in Your KMP App

To start the Kotzilla SDK in a Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) app, add the following to your shared code configuration for Koin (i.e, Koin.kt in commonMain):

startKoin {
// Kotzilla SDK setup for KMP apps
analytics {
setApiKey("YourAPIKey") // Available in the kotzilla.json file

Congratulations! The installation is now complete, and you’re all set to start debugging your app.