Set up the Kotzilla SDK
This section will guide you through the process of registering your application in the Kotzilla Platform and setting up the Kotzilla SDK in your NowInAndroid app.
Step 1 - Register your application on Kotzilla
1.1 Register your application using the IDE Plugin
- Sign in to the Koin IDE Plugin
- Open the Application Issues tab in the Issues Panel
- Click the New App button
This will open the Register Your Application wizard in your browser
1.2 Define your application details
- Application Name: Enter “NowInAndroid”
- Android Package Name: Use “”
- App type: Select the default “Debug” value
If you choose "Production," you’ll also need to provide the corresponding mapping file for your release build.*
Now that the NowInAndroid app is registered, we will proceed to set up the Kotzilla SDK.
You can also register new apps directly from the Kotzilla Console: Go to the Kotzilla Console and log in to your account. On the homepage, click Register Your Application.
2. Set up the Kotzilla SDK
2.1 Create a Kotzilla project configuration File
Download the Kotzilla.json file that has been automatically generated. This is the configuration file of your project.
Add the Kotzilla.json file into the app-level module of your Android Studio project (nowinandroid/app directory)
Module (app-level) Gradle file ( <project>/<app-module>
2.2 Update Gradle files
Kotzilla SDK is available on both Maven Central and the Kotzilla public repository. More information on how to configure access to the Kotzilla repository is available here
In your project root folder, add the plugin and Kotzilla SDK to the build.gradle.kts
Project (root-level) Gradle file (NowInAndroid/build.gradle.kts
buildscript {
repositories { ... }
dependencies {
// This part to copy paste
In your app module add the plugin and Kotzilla SDK dependency to the build.gradle.kts
file within the module directory:
Module (app-level) Gradle file (NowInAndroid/app/build.gradle.kts
// --- Plugins ---
plugins {
// Add the Kotzilla Gradle plugin
// --- Dependencies ---
dependencies {
// The Kotzilla SDK library dependency
2.3 Sync your project
Once installed, sync your NowInAndroid project with the updated Gradle files to apply the changes.
3. Start the Kotzilla SDK in your NowInAndroid App
In your Application
- Start the Kotzilla SDK using
during Koin initialisation
class NiaApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
startKoin {
// Kotzilla SDK setup for Android apps
Final steps
The registration wizard will then prompt you to go to the Kotzilla Platform dashboard:
Congratulations! The installation is now complete, and you’re all set to start debugging your app.